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U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Visits Cambodia to Bolster Bilateral Ties

PHNOM PENH, June 4, 2024 – U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is in Cambodia today on an official visit aimed at reinforcing the bilateral relations and cooperative ties between the United States and Cambodia.

According to a statement from the Cambodian Ministry of Defense, Secretary Austin's itinerary includes meetings with several top Cambodian officials. He is set to hold discussions with Hun Sen, President of the Senate, and Hun Manet, the Prime Minister of Cambodia.

Additionally, Secretary Austin will engage in talks with Gen. Tea Seiha, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence.

The Ministry of National Defence emphasized that Secretary Austin’s visit underscores the enduring friendship and commitment between the U.S. Department of Defense and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF). The visit is expected to deepen bilateral defense cooperation, fostering peace, stability, and sustainable development not only within the two nations but across the region.

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